
Marketing Committee Meeting


I. Marketing Budget

  1. 2013 carry over – 12,000$
  2. 2014 budget – $16,500

II. Marketing Plan

  1. Marketing objectives
    • Business recruitment – Incentives/Available Land/Assistance
    • Community name recognition
    • Amenities/Family Recruitment
  2. Community support/matching grants
    1. Hillsboro Partners in Marketing (PIM) Grant
      • Marketing plan grant $2,500 match for $5,500 total project
      • Business recruitment grant $2,300 match for $22,000 total project
    2. May-Port PIM Grant
      • Marketing plan grant $2,500 match for $5,500 total project
      • Business recruitment grant $2,300 match for $22,000 total project
    3. Other communities?
  3. County-wide marketing
    • Newman Billboard along I-29 – $19,000 for 1 year contract
    • Constructing/Renting/Printing billboard on I-29 for Buxton and Hillsboro commercial property – $15,000 approx.
  4. Organizational marketing
    • Local advertising describing our organization – $2,500/yr.
    • Quarterly newsletter printed and mailed – $500/yr.


استضافت بواسطة محمد علي سليمان
بداية نوفمبر 10, 2020 @ 3:27 م
استكشف Strategies
مدة الدورة : 45 دقائق
المنطقة الزمنية Atlantic/Azores

ملاحظة: يتم عرض وقت العد التنازلي بناءً على منطقتك الزمنية المحلية.